Minutes for the Village Board Meeting on Thursday, August 3rd, 2023
The regular meeting of the Village of Galway Board was held on August 3, 2023 at 5212 South Street. Present were: Deputy Mayor Best, Trustee Dileva, Clerk-Treasurer Ruman, village residents Pam Hyde, Jessica and Nick Fragnoli and Cathryn Hunt. Deputy Mayor Best called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Minutes were read from the June 6, 2023 meeting and a motion to approve as read was made by Trustee DiLeva and seconded by Deputy Mayor Best. Minutes were read from the July 14, 2023 Essential Business Only Meeting and a motion to approve as read was made by Trustee DiLeva and seconded by Deputy Mayor Best.
Treasurer’s Report
July 6, 2023 meeting
- Receipts-$5,509.30,
- Disbursements-$2,054.04,
- Checking-$56,326.97,
- Savings-$48,546.32 ($3.63 interest added),
- Grand Total-104,873.29.
Motion to accept made by Deputy Mayor Best and seconded by Trustee DiLeva.
August 3, 2023 meeting
- Receipts-$4,775.54,
- Disbursements-$2,531.11,
- Checking-$58,571.40,
- Savings $48,546.32
- Grand Total-$107,117.72.
Motion to accept made by Deputy Mayor Best and seconded by Trustee DiLeva.
Open Floor for Public Comment
Deputy Mayor Best opened the floor for comment. Nick Fragnoli and Cathryn Hunt expressed their concern about the speeding on East Street where their residences are located. They feel that it is out of !owners that are speeding through the village. Deputy Mayor Best said that she has contacted Sergeant Guerny with the Saratoga County Sheriff’s Office about borrowing another speed reduction sign. Town of Galway Supervisor Mike Smith gave her the name of a person at the county to call to help the village get the speed reduction sign they purchased installed. The Fragnoli’s would like to have a Haunted Hayride for Halloween at their residence located at 2119 East Street. The proposed informational flyer is included in the minutes. The Village Board liked the idea. Discussion followed with suggestions including the possible need for them to have additional insurance, the village would contact their insurance
company to review the plan, contact Town Community Organizer Colleen Forneris for assistance with publicity, perhaps the Galway Volunteer Fireman would assist with traffic control. Resident Cathryn Hunt came to the meeting to offer to use her website skills to get the village minutes on the village website. She believes that residents would like to keep up on what is going on in the village. The Board thanked her and accepted her help. Clerk-Treasurer Ruman will email the minutes to her. Board thanked the residents for their comment and participation.
Received email regarding the Galway Planning Board Public Hearing for
the application of The Galway Local. The date is August 10th at 7:00 PM at the Galway Town Hall. Village input has been requested.
Code Enforcement
No report
Old Business
Deputy Mayor Best reported on the results of the survey sent to village residents. A response of 33% was received. Many residents on South and East Street are not interested in sewer and water. Many want feasibility studies for water. Residents are also concerned about the drainage issues. The village has 12 catch basins and it is not certain that they are working as they should be. Many are concerned about the cost of any new system and then the costs to maintain it. Since we did not have any luck with getting help from the state, perhaps the village could approach the county about the drainage problem. Was there ever a maintenance agreement with Richard Ryan about drainage. Cathryn Hunt suggested speaking with Tedisco’s and Walsh’s offices for help. Deputy Mayor Best will call Encon Officer Steve Shaw regarding the burying of garbage on Ruth Parish’s property. Cathryn Hunt suggested that the village could use their website to ask for volunteers that would be interested in helping residents declutter their yards. No update on Rachel Kitchen’s old residence. It was suggested that the village may have to pay our attorney more money to pursue the issue.
Trustee DiLeva made a motion to appoint Anne Best as Acting Mayor. Deputy Mayor Best was appointed as Mayor. Anne Best made a motion to appoint Pam Hyde as Trustee to fill the vacated seat of Anne Best. Trustee Kelly DiLeva seconded the motion. Acting Mayor Best spoke of the need to appoint a deputy mayor in the future and asked that Trustee DiLeva and Hyde consider their interest in the position. Acting Mayor Best will visit Justice Court to meet Justice Thomas and Court Clerk Marlene Beaton. We need to get the audits completed. Kelly DiLeva made a motion to pay the Justice Court Clerk $200 per month for a total of $600 to be paid quarterly. Seconded by Trustee Hyde. Acting Mayor Best will attend the Planning Board Public Hearing if possible. Trustee DiLeva and Hyde will also try to attend. The contract with the GGCSA was signed. Acting Mayor Best, Trustee DiLeva and Clerk Treasurer Ruman met with Congressman Tonko, Supervisor Smith, Colleen Forneris and Colleen assistant to Tonko on August 2, 2023 at the Galway Town Hall to discuss the municipalities and what issues the Congressman might be able to help with.
Abstract No. 3 totaling $722.83 was submitted for approval and payment. Quarterly payroll
totaling $2,909.02 was submitted for approval and payment.
No further business. Acting Mayor Best adjourned the meeting at 8:00 PM.
Respectfully Submitted by
Beth Ruman