Agenda for the Village Board Meeting on Oct. 3rd, 2023
Reading of the minutes and treasurer’s report from the September board meeting for approval.
Reading of the present Treasurer’s report.
- Ruth Schaaf’s residence. Results of the meeting with DEC Officer Steve Shaw at Ruth’s property on 9/22/2023.
- Any updates on Rachael Kitchen’s residence.
- Discussion of creation of a resolution to remove and dispose of the old police department equipment from Beth Ruman & John Sutton’s office garage.
- A correction needs to be made to the August, 2023 minutes. Should read” “residents on South and East Streets are not interested in having water and sewer brought in.
- Update on Court Audit from court clerk Marlene Beaton and Justice Alison Thomas-Orvasky.
- Existing Storm drains: the county cleaned out the catch basins on route 45 when they paved the road last year (2022). I’ll be contacting the State’s resident engineer in their West Ave. office to see about the drainage system along state route 147. Saratoga County DPW was very helpful with offering the contact info for the state. I’ll be asking the state if there is mapping available and will ask if the county road sections and the state road sections are plumbed together.
- Re: Harvest Halloween Festival. Colleen Fornieris was contacted to let her know we need a table. Who will man the table & purchase candy to be re-imbursed by the village? Date is Saturday, Oct. 28th, 11-4pm. Trick or treating is from 1 to 4.
- Re: Trick or Treating in the Village: Will the Fire Dept. be able to patrol the roads this year? This will be on Tuesday, 10/31 from 4 to 7pm.
- There is a semi-large branch rubbing on the electric service cable in the park. DLG Tree Care will submit an estimate to take care of this problem.
- Discussion of a battery powered back up system for the village traffic light when the power goes out. This will eliminate the need for the Fire Dept. to drag a generator over to the light and keep it gassed up.
- Need one person to change the sign in the Village Park. I will have the letters all laid out for whoever does it.
- New Code Enforcement Officer for the Town started the job on 9/21/’23. His name is Max Leutters.